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To keep your body healthy, we offer dance!
Dance can help you feel better by providing exercise which gives us those "happy hormones"- endorphins. The exercise can help us to lose or maintain our weight. Healthy Living means keeping a balanced mind, body and spirit, so let's dance!


  Beginner Bellydance: The beginner class is designed to teach the student grace, how to breathe, and the basic movements of the artform. Students can expect to see an increase in self-esteem, have a more positive body image, have a sense of empowerment, and to learn a healthy means of expressing themselves and releasing stress.

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  Performer Bellydance: In addition to the benefits listed above, this class will also explore the dynamics of performing as a soloist and with a group. Students will learn how to create a routine using knowledge of audience psychology, spatial awareness, music interpretation, basic dance skills, and expressing the mood of the piece.